Interpreting S.B. 61 – “The Tool Box”

Members of a governing body will likely have varying degrees of understanding of juvenile case managers. S.B. 61, which amends Article 45.056 of the Code of Criminal Procedure and contains varying terms, specific topics that may be unfamiliar to local officials and legal counsel. Members of the workgroup identified key constructs and issues presented in the bill and formulated the following examples, models, and explanations linked below. In certain instances where required by S.B. 61, the workgroup made recommendations which local governments may choose to adopt, modify, or ignore.  The following is intended to be read in conjunction with the text of the bill.

A.     “Shall Adopt Reasonable Rules” (Art. 45.056(f), CCP) and The Employing Court or Governmental Entity Shall Implement the Rules adopted under Subsection (f)” (Art. 45.056(h), CCP)
See, example: Resolution Adopting Ethical and Training Standards for Juvenile Case Managers; Providing for Implementation and Providing Periodic Review to Ensure Implementation

B.     “Code of Ethics” and Enforcement of Code of Ethics” (Art. 45.056(f)(1), CCP)   
See, example: Model Code of Ethics for Juvenile Case Managers

C.     “Appropriate Educational Pre-Service Training Standards for JCMs” and “Appropriate Educational In-Service Training Standards for JCMs”  (Art. 45.056(f)(2))
See, Pre-Service and In-Service Recommendations

D.     “And Training In….”(Art. 45.056(f)(3), CCP)

    1. The Role of the Juvenile Case Manager” (3)(A)
    2. Case Planning and Management” (3)(B)
    3. Applicable Procedural and Substantive Law”(3)(C)
    4. Courtroom Proceedings and Presentation” (3)(D)
    5. Services to At-Risk Youth Under Subchapter D, Chapter 264, Family Code” (3)(E)
    6. Local Programs and Services for Juveniles and Methods by which Juveniles May Access those Programs and Services.” (3)(F)
    7. Detecting and Preventing Abuse, Exploitation, and Neglect of Juveniles.” (3)(G)

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