Youth Diversion & Child Welfare

In the 81st Regular Legislative Session (2009), a new requirement was placed upon municipal judges to complete minimum education related to child welfare and the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). In the 88th Regular Legislative Session, this requirement was amended to require instruction related to youth diversion and understanding relevant issues of child welfare, including issues related to mental health and children with disabilities. See Section 22.1105(a) of the Government Code. This requirement is for every judge who handles juveniles charged with fine-only offenses. Such judges must complete a relevant two hour course of instruction every judicial academic year ending in 0 or 5.

Can I meet this requirement through my TMCEC judicial education?

 Yes, TMCEC offers you multiple options for satisfying this requirement. including regional seminars and webinars. Look for information from TMCEC in academic years ending in 0 or 5.

2210 Hancock Dr.
Austin, TX 78756

Phone: 512.320.8274
Toll Free Line: 1.800.252.3718
Fax: 512.435.6118